Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Your lip balm addiction is real...

Dustin and I told you about new research this morning showing that your need for constant lip slathering is probably an addiction.That's right,doctors who researched patients' claims that they just HAD to have their Carmex,Chapstick,Burts Bees, (name your poison) on their puckers at all times were probably victims of addiction. To that I say "Whatever".
However,just to prove it researchers say they found many balms contain ingredients which aggravate sensitive lips and even cause peeling, resulting in the use of even more lip balm.They now advise users to stay away from balms containing phenol, lanolin, parabin and anything with a fragrance, or a "botanical" product.
I say use them if you like them,or you can get all paranoid like the guy who started this website....http//www.lipbamanonymous.com. Take a look for the safety of your lips or just so you can laugh your balm right off...

1 comment:

beth said...

I knew it! My lips always get worse when I use chapstick but I thought I was just a little crazy.