I really need your help.Yesterday after two root canals and a lump drain (you don't want to know) my mouth had been open for nearly four hours.Wide open with one of those bite block thingymaboppers dentists put in (thank you Dr.Tanada-Lee..you're the root canal queen! yes,it's a compliment).
Anyway,I was instructed to take my medication "with food" when I got home.If your mouth has been open for as long as mine you know,chewing is not comfortable. Looking for something soft I came across last nights' cornbread in the fridge.I popped it into the microwave and pushed what I thought was :20 seconds into the timer,then the phone rang. Of course I forgot about the cornbread until I walked into my bedroom closet and heard the smoke alarms! I had actually pushed 2:00 minutes instead of the :20 seconds and who knew?...Cornbread can catch fire in the microwave! It was awful.The last thing anyone needs after two root canals.
Now my house reeks of smoke.I have no idea how to get the stench out of the walls.Do you have any idea? Anyone? My blog is open to everyone so even if you have been leery about commenting on a strangers blog before please don't hesitate. Trust me,I have spent half a day on the blogs of people I don't know laughing and agreeing and thinking Wow,this person is just like me.So even if you're not a cornbread-microwave-failure :) and you have a hint about smoke in walls,please don't be shy! Thanks in advance!! Rach
lysol maybe? good luck
you're right.Im always afraid to post on someone's blog that I don't know but I heard your story on the air just now and we have had a similar experience but we had to hire PROFESSIONAL CLEANERS.I know it's drastic but smoke stays.Yucky and Stinky.
Craig and Debbie Robeson- Seven Oaks. lol Bakersfield:P
Rachel and Dustin,
We heard the story on the air.I know you tried baking soda but try going to a home depot or a lowes.They should have a pro cleaner.Or ask your friends at the fire department that Dustin was talking about this morning.Good luck with it.
Barb Neilsen
Don't use that brand.Try Marie Callenders cornbread.
Dina Street
We just heard you.We think you should paint the walls black and let the paint smell take over.Capiche'?
Likin' the show alot.Terry
hmmm? Google the question "How do I get smoke out of my walls".Something should pop for ya.
Bart (Bakersfield.com regular.Thanks for posting it there too.I didn't realize how many Bakersfieldans had blogs!)
found ya on feedjit...
good subject for one of our radio shows on energytalk!
I will check with our local service master guy...kinda agreeing with the advice to paint the walls!
Mr Baezel,
Thanks for the comment.You're pretty funny.Keep up the good work! Rach
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