Maybe I'm just getting old or maybe it's that at 35 with a 17 year career waking up at 2am,I'm just getting cranky.Whatever the reason I AM SO TIRED OF THE ASSES IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD who piccolo pete and bottle rocket their way into,during and out of the 4th of July holiday.I used to enjoy seeing the colorful fires in the sky as much as the next person but I'm good with safe and sane. If you've had it like I have,here is the number to the Fireworks Task Force here in Kern. 868-FIRE(3473) .That number goes into effect Friday July 3rd and is good until Sunday July 5th.Use it.
I totally agree ... have a guy in my hood who does an elaborate show and hides behind a big flag to mask his fascination with explosives ... ugh
Got ya. Love the flag cover.Seems like every hood has one!
We call our pyro's the "wall of beer" people.One side of their garage is covered top to bottom in Miller Genuine Draft boxes (and no,I don't live in the Dale...anymore:)
We moved up to "'08 behind the gate" aka Rosedale.
OK - totaly agree. I'm not a fan of the ones that spin, move, scream, shoot flames... you get the picture :-) BUT, being of the conservitave nature that I am, I also don't want anyone to tell me I can or can't have them. Kinda a catch 22 I guess. I suppose I have to make the decision to not be around them... No real easy answer hear!!!
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