I turned 35 Saturday and it hit me,I was finally an adult. For those of you reading this who have lost your parents (and in my case,my grandparents) you know exactly what I'm talking about.Technically I've been an adult for 17 years but for the first time in my entire life I didn't share my birthday party with my
PaPa or my aunt.We are the "February babies" in the family and have always celebrated together,even though it was hard to do after
my grandma died in 2002,that woman coined the term "Birthday Party". My
PaPa died shortly after our birthday's last year and this year we had a party for my aunt on her own. It was an odd birthday for me because for the first time ever,all of my extended family forgot.Perhaps,that's what happens..you start getting older and people who always remembered your birthday decide that your too old for birthdays?
LOL Lucky for me my hubby, immediate family,
in laws and best friends always remember.My dad never forgets to call and my mom always makes an annual birthday visit to the station with balloons,food and gifts.My
in laws always call and sing and send me some beautiful flower arrangement.This year they sent an awesome and delicious fruit arrangement.What was really cool though was that my brother made reservations for dinner at a local restaurant and invited our little "family of friends".
Dust,Dr.Vip Dev,me,Jen,Beddy (Aerin)
Me,Lance,Dust,Jen,Kev and ScootMe,Scoot and Jen
and gross Jen again below
In keeping with Jake's wishes to never have his pic on the internet I do the best "Microsoft Paint" job I can do. Cute in it's own way (but creepy too:) haha!
A sweet thank you also to The Gradowitz and Jeff at KUZZ & PI officer Greg Williams and Captain Brian Smith at the CHP for calling and singing me the best "Happy Birthday" song ever.
Happy B-Day. 35 years young! And the pictures....all I could see was your fantastic arms. I'm jealous (and off to the gym).
Push-ups baby,just old fashioned push-ups:)
I do run 4-6 miles five days a week on the treadmill so that helps but every day and night I do 20 push-ups in the morning and 20-before bed.After a while you start seeing definition.Then again (depending on how you look at it) I got super lucky by inheriting the body of a man...my father.lol
He's on one of my older posts from AUG (about the "People I'm always talking about on the air".Check out those guns! LOL
Happy 35th, you look fabulous!! I have the manly gene from my father as well...means I don't have to do much to have a little definition...to bad that included my nose too ;)
Thanks for your comment on my blog. I love making clothes, and I have been blessed with lots of kiddos that I get to dress up!
Have a great day!
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