Wednesday, September 02, 2009

It only takes 2 seconds for you to be gone forever..

I've been guilty of texting while driving.I've done it for two reasons. The first being that it is my chosen form of communication with work (which is who I'm always on the phone with) and secondly..I can do it without looking.Neither of those reasons is an excuse and yes,I know it is illegal.I won't be doing it anymore,this PSA will show why..
There is alot of debate going on about whether this is an appropriate video for teenagers to see about the dangers of texting and driving. I say "Hell yes,it's appropriate". Take it from someone who slammed head on into another car on Truxtun extension the first day of my senior year 1992.The reason? I was fast forwarding my Garth Brooks tape and started veering into the lake.I wasn't paying attention..over corrected and slammed into a woman heading in the opposite direction.I injured her and myself.This video reminded me of something I had forgotten.Take your eyes off the road for two seconds and you could be gone forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rachel? Is it possible for you to get any hotter? Dang woman you are a fine item.