Monday, September 07, 2009

Labor(lazy) Day weekend

Not alot of "labor" going on this weekend.For the first time in a long time I didn't have to work the holiday.With zero dollars to our name we just did the weekend on the "cheap".That means other people fed and gave us free entertainment(Thank you Dr.Vip and Jodi Dev, Jennifer & my soccer girl Ky)...
Being broke bites..I wouldn't recommend it. Thank God for good friends and family(love ya Bob and Nancy).
Here are some pictures...and yes Jake was there but as you know..No pictures of Jake allowed on the
From top to bottom (Kyster plays goalie at soccer on Sat. morning,Erin Bradley,Jodi Dev,Me..Jodi Dev,Mark Christian,Vip Dev,Mark,me,Vip and Rebecca Christian)

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